The school counselors focus on helping students gain a clearer picture of who they are and who God is calling them to be.
The counselors meet with students individually, in small groups, or in the classroom throughout the year and are available on an informal basis at the request of students, parents or staff members. Please call/email ahead for appointments.
The counseling office supports students in the following areas:
- Transitioning to SWCHS & Educational Planning
- Academic Support
- Post-High School Planning
- Post-Secondary On-Site (PSOS)
- Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) – online
- Mental Health
- Personal/Social Development
- Referral to appropriate in-school and/or community resources
Counselors' Deep Hope:
that students would know that they are seen, heard, valued and step into who they are being called to be in Christ.
Counseling Timeline
1:1 Senior Meetings & Classroom Visits
- Post High School Planning
1:1 Transfer Meetings
- Welcome transition into SWCHS
- Updating transcripts
Testing Day
- PreACT & PSAT testing day (early October)
- Results available early
Health Class Talk
- Mental health session in 9th grade boys health classes
Spring Semester Schedule Changes
Dual Enrollment Spring Semester
Career Day (Every other year)
1:1 Junior Meetings
- Senior courses plan and post high school discussions
- Junior Classroom Visit
- College application & Maia overview
Health Class Talk
- Mental health session in 9th grade girls health classes
- Freshmen Classroom Visit
- Introduction to Maia (Career Interest Exploration)
Registration for the following school year
- All-School Registration Day
- Meet with individual students as needed
Preparation for Fall Dual Enrollment