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Southwest Christian High school is a college-preparatory school that emphasizes six core areas of study: English, history, Bible/theology, math, science, and world languages

A combination of several curriculum sources is used, including original source documents, classical literature, and both Christian and secular publishers.

PSOS/CIS: SWCHS offers classes taught by our teachers that earn dual high school and college credit. Because these courses are aligned with Crown College and the University of Northwestern-St. Paul, students will need to apply to those schools as well.

While focusing on establishing a strong biblical worldview, Southwest Christian also teaches discernment of other worldviews, including secular humanism, naturalism, and postmodernism. SWCHS encourages students to ask honest questions. In the faith-formative years of adolescence, students must be given permission to connect life-giving truth with their deepest needs, desires, relationships, and hopes for the future. All staff, including teachers, administrators, directors, and coaches are leaders in the discovery process as we seek to build up each student as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Graduation Requirements

Thor Benson

Thor Benson

Ann Broscoff

Ann Broscoff

Registrar and Testing Center Coordinator

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