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Ava Hagen Advances to DECA International Competition

Ava Hagen Advances to DECA International Competition

11 Southwest Christian students participated in Minnesota’s DECA State Career Development Conference in Minneapolis on March 10-12, 2024.  The following 4 students finished in the top 8 in the state:

  • Ethan Groninga - Advanced Interview
  • Will Kail - Advanced Interview
  • Ava Hagen - Hotel and Lodging Management Series
  • Julianna Wall - Advanced Interview

Minnesota DECA members participate in over 60 events focused in the areas of entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality, marketing and other related fields. The competitions are designed to simulate real-life business scenarios and test students’ academic understanding and skills development. 

In April, Ava Hagen will travel to Anaheim, CA to compete with more than 20,000 top students from around the world at the International Career Development Conference – the pinnacle of DECA competition.