Missions and Outreach
Dominican Republic Trip
Seniors only in November
The senior missions trip has been a strategic event in the lives of our senior class. It builds community, bonds students to one another, creates life-long memories, provides insight to God’s work globally, expands our students’ concerns about the world…and so much more. It has been an amazing, life-changing event for years, and we are excited to be able to partner with our Dominican Republic team.
Since 2009, the senior classes have gone to the Dominican Republic, hosted by Youth With a Mission (YWAM). While in the D.R., the students are involved in work projects, evangelism opportunities, orphanage care, and also have a chance to learn about the history and culture of the Dominican Republic.
Spring Detroit Trip
Open to all grades in February/March
In 2023, SWCHS introduced a new opportunity for our students to serve on a short-term Missions trip to Detroit, Michigan. We served alongside MACC Development, a ministry that seeks to transform the 48214 zip code of Detroit, which was devastated economically in the last few decades.
MACC hosts groups regularly throughout the year and is skilled at immersing students in their community. Students receive education, an inside look into a diverse community, and are given ways to actively serve. It’s our hope that through this experience our students will have a broadened perspective on the beauty of diversity in God’s Kingdom while also meeting needs in a community.
All students are invited to join us this year! Please reach out to Mr. Brian Goldie or Mrs. Shani Johnson with any questions regarding this trip.