Student Life
As followers of Jesus Christ, every student, faculty and staff member is indwelled by the Holy Spirit and are urged to “walk in step with the Holy Spirit” (Galatians 5:25) … for the glory of God. As such, we are all held to a high level of behavior. SWCHS holds students to a high standard of behavior and has instituted the following guidelines for direction and loving correction as the case may be.
Discipline expresses love because it is one of God’s prescribed means of attaining holiness, maturity, and fruitfulness in the life of the believer. The goal of discipline is a changed heart, and the evidence of a changed heart is changed behavior (Proverbs 4:23, Luke 6:45). SWCHS tries to be clear, but not rigidly specific, in discipline policies, so that students develop self-control (Galatians 5:23) as a result of the work of the Holy Spirit. Although the school has specific rules and policies students are expected to honor, SWCHS seeks, whenever possible, to use guidelines that encourage a student to change internally. This usually results in a student choosing to hold her/himself to a stricter, higher standard out of love for and fear of God.
Dean of Students Deep Hope:
To inspire students to see themselves as God sees them, understand they are fully known and deeply loved, and encourage them to grow in their walk with Jesus.
Southwest Christian Student Life
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